Tag Archives: free piano

June 18, 2022

Have an old piano? What are your options?

As a piano technician and music store owner, I get calls, emails, and messages on a weekly basis asking about what to do with an old piano. It’s a very common question. There are a wide variety of scenarios when it comes to older pianos, but the common denominator with folks contacting me, is that […]

Piano Owner Troubleshooting
March 21, 2018

“It just needs a tune up”, they said…

Craigslist is a minefield. When looking for a used piano, Craigslist is not a great option, unless you are a piano expert or you hire one when looking. There are so many pianos all over Craigslist and the private sellers posting their pianos almost always know little to nothing about the quality of their piano […]
